We were lucky to be joined at our very first event by two of the norths leading practitioners in the world of Experimentation.
Ever wondered why people bother with experimentation? When you think about it, experimenting requires more structured, more measurement and inherently has failure built into the model. It's surely fundamentally harder, takes longer and requires more resource...doesn't it? So why bother?
Jon Crowder will talk us through why!
Jon is Head of Digital Experience at northern based CRO agency Journey Further who have worked with M&S, Boots, Virgin Money and The Train Line. Jon himself has done a host of interviews about conversion and A/B Testing.
Our second speaker, Natasha Senior is a former Experimentation Elite speaker alongside a host of other events. She is Senior Experimentation Manager at SKY, a company which has previously been awarded a Best Experimentation Practice Award for their innovative, fast growing and mature approach to optimisation. She'll be talking us through the intriguing idea of building an experimentation programme on 'other' metrics and how SKY is managing to use this to reduce the number of calls they handle.